Is trying to use AutoCAD on Mac a waste of time

i can’t find why multiple installations and updates will not function properly, something as simple as the existence of view manager for example

Asked on August 7, 2017 in AutoCAD.
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3 Answer(s)

The view manger can be found here on MAC:

Screen shot 2011-03-24 at 15.13.48.png



You can create views by the standard V command on the command manger and then you can move to saved views using the top method

Answered on August 7, 2017.
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Don’t buy this machine for these software applications. You’re better off with a high-end PC laptop or a Macbook Pro with Bootcamp.

It is technically possible to run these applications (e.g. via Bootcamp, through Parallels or Fusion or Virtualbox), but this is not their intended use.

I’m using a Macbook Pro (mid 2012) with 16 Gb RAM and a Geforce GT 650M card (not the best). I’m using it mainly for Research, but also ArchiCAD and SketchUp; alongside Office, writing, screen capturing (all native Mac versions).

It runs Revit 2015 through Parallels but it can be sluggish. For serious work, I restart in Bootcamp (running Windows 8.1 Pro natively). Be sure to add a regular mouse, as my Magic mouse is not fully usable in Bootcamp (no middle-mouse drag – which does work in Parallels using Magicprefs).

Answered on November 14, 2017.
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You might need to be more specific with the issues you’re experiencing on AutoCAD on Mac. Although I personally use PC, I know a bunch of other licensed architects that have been using a Mac for their AutoCAD needs since our college days.

Answered on September 9, 2020.
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