Solved: How to open DXF files without AutoCAD?
Hello, I am not an AutoCAD user but really need to open an AutoCAD file sent by a colleague of mine and obviously I will not buy the Program just to open a file,Help! Can someone help me open the AutoCAD file? It is in DXF format.
Download DWG Trueview from here –
It will allow you to open and print DWGs & DXFs
Or sign up for a free Autodesk 360 account at the same place and view your files online
Hey Nick, Thank you so much; this has been very helpful, I have already installed DWG Trueview and it works perfectly as suggested, if we ever meet I amma have ultra large drink with ya buddy !!! 😉
I wouldn’t even bother downloading this. Just use AutoDesk’s online viewer. It’s free and in the browser
Online apps are the best you do not have to download anything it’s just plug and play process; check this out for example:
I have used something called JETcam viewer before, it’s free, small, efficient, does the job with no hassle:
You can download it from here :
- Totally free
- No registration required to download or use
- No adverts, spyware or malware
- Small memory footprint
- Simple tree view for all local and mapped network drives
- Thumbnail images of all recognised 2D CAD files
- Does not require CAD packages to be installed to display thumbnail images
- Measurement rules showing scale of part
- Pan and zoom with the mouse
- Navigate between file structure and thumbnails with keyboard
Files supported:
- DWG (including AutoCAD 2013 and previous versions)
- JETCAM JGF component files
eDrawings viewer is also another free option which looks like it’s something more elegant:
The eDrawings Viewer is intended primarily for people who do not use CAD software and thus do not need to publish eDrawings files themselves.
Download eDrawings Viewer software to view, print, and review all types of eDrawings files. In addition, eDrawings Viewer allows convenient viewing of supported AutoCAD® DWG and DXF files and native SolidWorks® parts, assemblies, and drawings.
try also
you can open any version dwg | dxf file , NO sign up or installation required . its free to view