How to Copy items from one drawing to another in AutoCAD 2017?


I am having this issue, whenever I try to CTRL+C and CTRL + V Into another drawing, it seems that it does not always work, it works with some drawings and it doesn’t work with some other drawings, it seems random but I am sure I am missing something, so my question is, how do I copy and paste in AutoCAD?

Asked on June 26, 2017 in AutoCAD.


Option 1:
Using the keyboard functions CTRL C + CTRL V


Option 2:
Using keyboard functions CTRL C , BUT before moving the objects use the right click option on your mouse to drag the objects from Drawing A, as soon as you let go of the right click an options to “paste to original coordinates” is made available.


Option 3:
Use the WBLOCK command to take information from Drawing A such as blocks, objects and even the entire drawing itself to be saved as a block to use in Drawing B. Once a block is created use the  command in drawing B to get desired effect.

on August 1, 2017.
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1 Answer(s)
Best answer

Hi there Antoine,

Here’s a great video that goes through the process:


Answered on June 30, 2017.
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