How can I stop cursor flashing when hardware acceleration is turned off?

I’m running Windows 7, and for some odd reason when I disable hardware acceleration, my cursor keeps flashing? Does anyone know if there’s there any way to stop this?

Asked on September 27, 2016 in AutoCAD.
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1 Answer(s)

This issue only happens in Windows 7 and affects AutoCAD LT and all AutoCAD-based products where hardware acceleration has been turned off.


Enable Hardware Acceleration
We recommend you Enable Hardware Acceleration if possible, which can be done in AutoCAD 2010 and above and AutoCAD LT 2012 and above by following the below steps:

  1. Run the 3DCONFIG command
  2. Click the Manual Tune button for AutoCAD (Skip this step for AutoCAD LT)
  3. Check the Enable hardware acceleration button
  4. Click OK to exit both dialogs


RE: Why does my curser keep flashing when I turn off hardware acceleration?

RE: Why does my curser keep flashing when I turn off hardware acceleration?


RE: Why does my curser keep flashing when I turn off hardware acceleration?


Windows 7 Basic Theme
If Hardware Acceleration needs to stay Disabled, a secondary option is to ensure the Windows 7 Basic theme is selected in your Visuals and Sounds menu (applies to AutoCAD 2010 and AutoCAD LT 2010 and above):

To do this:

  1. Right click on your Desktop
  2. Click Personalize
  3. Select Windows 7 Basic under “Basic and High Contrast Themes”

RE: Why does my curser keep flashing when I turn off hardware acceleration?


Next you should also turn off all the Visual Effects from the Performance Options dialog in Windows.

  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Search for adjust performance
  3. Click Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows
  4. Click Adjust for best performance

RE: Why does my curser keep flashing when I turn off hardware acceleration?

Dynamic Input Features
Finally in AutoCAD, turn off all Dynamic Input features, including dynamic prompts, by setting the DYNMODE system variable to 0

Answered on September 28, 2016.
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