How can I copy and paste text from one dwg to another?

I can’t copy anything using CTRL+C or Paste using CTRL+V ( I am having this problem with that file only)



Asked on October 26, 2016 in AutoCAD.
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1 Answer(s)

Hi there,



CTRL+C / CTRL+V are windows Commands and sometimes a problem happens between the SendMessageToWindow Event in Windows and between the AutoCAD recieving the Command



1)Close and reopn the file

2)Try running “Audit” (“Y” to fix errors) then “Purge” command to clear everything

3)Try”WBLOCK” Command


If this doesn’t work ,

According to AutoCad this is caused due to non-essential data from DWG files that have become bloated while copying and pasting from DWGs containing DGN linetypes.

you can find the fix here:


Which will prevent future occurrences of the file bloat issue from occurring.


Hope this helps.

Answered on October 26, 2016.
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