How can I convert from being SolidWorks user to AutoCad?

I am not an Engineer but I have been working using SolidWorks skills in the past 3 years, how easily can I learn AutoCad?


What other options do I have?

Asked on October 18, 2016 in AutoCAD.
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1 Answer(s)

Hi there EngineerLife,


we at CadAnswers specially like Autocad but you have 2 options actually in the architecture CAD

Autocad V.S Revit



AutoCAD is a the primary product in the industry but Revit is slowly catching up to the gold standard.

AutoCad is really easy to learn alone specially that you are coming from a Mechanical CAD background, it would be very easy for you to get the hang of it.

AutoCAD is used for drawings in every technical field. Revit is exclusively used in Architecture, and only by larger firms that can afford to implement it. You need to know the job market in your local area before you decide.

On the Other hand Revit has a pretty steep learning curve, we’d recommend that someone shows you the way around, however you could find a good online course on Revit here:

If you decide to go ahead with the AutoCad option please check this free Lynda online course:


Best of Luck,



CadAnswers Expert



Answered on October 18, 2016.
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