Generate solid by sweeping ellipse bounded by two curves upward


I’m very new to FreeCAD, and I’m having trouble designing an odd shape. I need to generate a solid by sweeping an ellipse upward, with the radius of the ellipse increasing as it sweeps, as pictured here:

Generate solid by sweeping ellipse bounded by two curves upward

The ellipse should always be “touching” the guide curves. It would also be great if the solid generated would be hollow. Is there a way to do this?


Asked on March 7, 2020 in FreeCAD.
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1 Answer(s)
Best answer

I’m not too familiar with FreeCAD but from a quick Youtube search, I see that the program has a Loft function which is what use in my other CAD software if I want to create a shape like the on you’re describing.

This might be what you’re looking for:

Answered on March 9, 2020.
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