How can i put dimentions in autocad in both metic and fractional inches at the same time?

how can i put dimentions in autocad in both metic and fractional inches at the same time?

Asked on October 31, 2016 in AutoCAD.
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2 Answer(s)

Hi there,



Right click dimension, go to “Quick properties”, if a white window appears, turn on alternate units, apply , ok, then right click dimension again, go to “quick properties” Turn on “ALT enabled. HTH

RE: أow can i put dimentions in autocad in both metic and fractional inches at the same time?

RE: أow can i put dimentions in autocad in both metic and fractional inches at the same time?

Hope this helps 🙂
Answered on November 3, 2016.
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You can also set the DimStyles of the two kinds of units in a way such that one displays metric and the other one displays inches! You can edit and add dimstyles by typing in “DIMSTYLES” as a command on AutoCAD!

Answered on May 21, 2020.
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