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  • Asked on November 21, 2016 in AutoCAD.

    No – I understand the ‘b’ option opens a script file.

    What I do not understand is what needs to go into the script file – if I wanted to do as previously stated what do I need in the script file?

    Where would the script file be stored? Is there a preferred place?


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  • Asked on November 20, 2016 in AutoCAD.

    So far so good! I have an exe which opens autocad. This works as expected.

    BUT I am unable to open a file etc. The problem is that I do not understand how to create a script file. The /b option when I use fails to open a file. The original exe works as expected using other command line options from other software – eg. i can open pdf files  using adobe acrobat from the commad line so I think my code is correct!

    It’s just that Autocad doesn’t like my code.

    For instance if I want to open a file named DR1527.dwg – what code do I need in the script file? As I understand script files – they are text files that can be created using notepad? The file resides in a folder named  CADFiles.



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  • Asked on November 16, 2016 in AutoCAD.

    Looks good to me – I will set up a test exe to utilise your answer. Should be good!



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  • Asked on November 16, 2016 in AutoCAD.

    My control program chooses a dwg file name – then it wants to shell out to autocad and open the passed file name – a dwg file. The user then does the drawing – saves the file and closes autocad – then control is passed back.

    In the second setup, my program will supply the dwg name but this time open autocad to edit the passed file name. The user then edits the drawing – saves the file and closes autocad – then control is passed back.

    Thanks for your reply. Hope this reply makes sense!


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