How can I to get a good PDF from AutoCad 2004 on Windows 7

Plotters cannot bring up a to scale DWG from a PDF.

Asked on January 13, 2017 in AutoCAD.
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3 Answer(s)

Commands that Create PDF files

There are many commands and methods you can use to produce PDF files. Use these guidelines to select the most appropriate method.

Operation Recommended Command/Workflow
Export model space or a single layout to a PDF file The PLOT or EXPORTPDF command
Export all layouts of a drawing to a PDF file The EXPORTPDF command
Export selected layouts of a drawing to PDF The PUBLISH command
Export model space and selected layouts to PDF The PUBLISH command
Export multiple drawing files to PDF The PUBLISH command
Export a sheet set to a PDF file The Publish to PDF option in the Sheet Set Manager

PDF Presets

PDF presets are named groups of settings that control the PDF creation process and are saved as plotter configuration files (*.pc3). Presets let you balance the file size with quality and functionality, depending on how you want to use the PDF files. The predefined PDF presets listed address most typical usage scenarios. However, if you have specific requirements that a predefined preset cannot meet, customize an existing preset and save it as a *.pc3 file with a different name.

PC3 File / PDF Preset Details
DWG to PDF.pc3 General purpose driver used in AutoCAD 2015 and earlier.
AutoCAD PDF (General Documentation).pc3 General purpose driver suitable for most uses.
AutoCAD PDF (High Quality Print).pc3 Produces a PDF file optimized for printing on paper.
AutoCAD PDF (Smallest File).pc3 Produces a PDF with the smallest possible file size.
AutoCAD PDF (Web and Mobile).pc3 Produces a PDF file that supports hyperlinks mobile devices and Web browsers.
Answered on January 15, 2017.
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Can a pdf reader like adobe view the pdf? if so it might be a plotter issue.

Aside from that you can try using a different PDF printer from with in CAD. I frequently use cutepdf. (i think you have to download cutepdf though)

Answered on January 13, 2017.
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Are you trying to export to pdf from AutoCAD, or is it that you are trying to Create a CAD file from a PDF file?

Answered on January 15, 2017.
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